The True Story on TEAM LIFE’s 8 F’s — Fitness

In a recent article called Daily Disciplines to Success, leadership guru Orrin Woodward wrote about what he does daily to succeed.

Orrin Woodward

Nearly every time I sit down with someone for the first time, I am asked – What is the secret to your leadership success?  I have answered this numerous times to individuals, but I have decided to answer on our Leadership Blog for everyone to read.  Instead of giving a general response, I will give my specific daily disciplines to produce results.  I encourage everyone to develop their own Daily Disciplines and build a successful life.  It has been said that you determine your habits and your habits determine your results.  I strongly believe this and I am constantly evaluating my habits to ensure they are leading me towards my long term goals and dreams.  When Laurie and I mentor a couple, the first thing we are listening for are the habits that have been formed.  What habits do you do on a daily basis?  Did you think through these habits to build a successful life or are you aimlessly developing habits with no thought towards the results produced from these habits?   Your answer to this will make all the difference.  Here are my Daily Disciplines to Success:

1. Prayer

2. Bible Reading

3. Review schedule/Plan schedule

4. Drink a couple of ounces of MonaVie Acai Blend

5. Praise & Encourage

6.  Take thirty minutes for exercise – I don’t care if it is a brisk walk, working with weights, running, etc.  Find something that will increase your heart rate that you will develop into a daily discipline.  No matter how busy I am, I will at a minimum do push ups and sit ups before jumping in the shower.  Develop a plan and have the discipline to follow through until it is a habit.

7. Listen to Leadership CD’s

8. Read from a good book

These are the basics that will propel anyone reading this to success. 

Orrin said a great deal more on all the other subjects, but for this post I wanted to highlight his thoughts on fitness.  For TEAM LIFE leaders, fitness is just one of those daily disciplines they simply expect of themselves.  They understand the discipline of becoming and staying fit helps them to follow discipline in other areas of their lives.  They also understand a fit body helps people to better handle the challenges of life.

I look at Orrin‘s discipline of fitness as a challenge.  I drink Mona Vie Acai Blend daily.  However, I am not personally physically fit.  For me, fitness is a goal.  Why not join me?  Let’s get fit together!


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